Facts & Stats

No matter where you live, however, buckling up continues to be the single most effective way to reduce the risk of injury or death in motor vehicle crashes. Most people who die in collisions are not wearing a safety belt.

Safety belt use and crash fatality rates in Florida varied widely by county. See fact sheets to find detailed information about your community.

Crimes vs. Crashes (2020)


  • 1 murder every 24.4 minutes
  • 1 violent crime every 24.7 seconds
  • 1 property crime every 4.9 seconds
  • 1 burglary every 30.5 seconds


  • 1 fatality every 14 minutes
  • 1 person injured* every 14 seconds
  • 1 property damage* crash every 9 seconds
  • 1 law-enforcement-reported* crashes every 60 seconds
Data Sources:
Crime - Federal Bureau of Investigation's 2020 Crime Clock Statistics, Crime in the United States (10/16/2021)
Crash - NHTSA 2020 Crash Report Sampling System (CRSS)
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